November 2023 — UnifiedCares is excited to offer a way to help families in our communities who are struggling to meet basic needs. The 2023 Holiday Food Drive has launched, with all donations benefiting food banks across the country that are affiliated with Feeding America.
Similar to last year’s campaign, you can donate food items online through the YouGiveGoods platform following this process:
- Indicate your region and state, to help direct your donation and help Unified track participation.
- Select the non-perishable food items you’d like to purchase.
- Provide your contact and payment details and submit your information.
- You will receive a tax donation through the YouGiveGoods Foundation for the donated goods.
You can donate as many times as you like through December 8.
At the conclusion of the food drive, donated items will be sent by YouGiveGoods to the regional food bank with the greatest need, and made available to families visiting the food banks before the holidays.
To help encourage participation and maximize our impact, UnifiedCares will match the donations of the winning state, up to $1,000, at the conclusion of the drive. The more you give, the more your area can benefit.*
About Feeding America
Feeding America is a nationwide network of food banks, food pantries and local meal programs. Its common goal is simple: help people get the food and resources they need to thrive.
Questions? Please message the UnifiedCares team.
*Participation will be based on the per-person donation average in each state, calculated against the number of Unified community members residing in that state. Remote employees are calculated within the state where they reside, unless they directly support a medical affiliate in another state, and will be counted with that state instead.